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Our site will help you whether you're looking latest currency rates around the World: in Europe, in Canada, in Australia, New Zealand and some another places. Also you can find the major conversion rates here: US dollar Euro, US dollar to British Pound, US dollar to AUD, Canadian Dollar to US, Euro to Swiss Franc, Euro Pound and many others. All rates update every 24 hours so you'll find a wealth of recent information here everyday.

Currency Calculator


* This rates calculated using ECB (European Central Bank) rates. Date: 03.10.2024.

Exchange Rates

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Currency Rate
United States Dollar 1 USD = 0.9033 EUR
British Pound Sterling 1 GBP = 1.2007 EUR
Swiss Franc 1 CHF = 1.0652 EUR
Japanese Yen 1 JPY = 0.0062 EUR

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03.11.2022 - 10:33.

Currency Pair Bid Ask Change
EUR/USD 0.9782 0.9785 ↓-0.0001
GBP/USD 1.1341 1.1344 ↓-0.0001
USD/JPY 147.85 147.88 ↑0.01
USD/CHF 1.0076 1.0079 ↓-0.0001

Update every 20 min. See also: more FX.

Central Banks

Are you going to travel? You ought to see current international money exchange rates around the world.

Choose a foreign country or region:

Australia Australia New Zealand New Zealand
Canada Canada Great Britain Great Britain
Europe Europe Switzerland Switzerland
Poland Poland Sweden Sweden
Denmark Denmark Bulgaria Bulgaria
Hungary Hungary Romania Romania
Czech Czech Rep. Croatia Croatia
Belarus Belarus Ukraine Ukraine
Russia Russia China China
Thailand Thailand Turkey Turkey
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan Israel Israel
Norway Norway

Historical exchange rates

Currency Pair Historical Rate
Euros to US Dollars 1.1071
Pounds to US Dollars 1.3292
US Dollars to Yen 144.7566
Australian to US Dollar 0.6899

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