BGN to PLN conversion | Exchange Rates

This currency calculator will help you make live BGN vs PLN conversion as you type.

BGN Bulgarian Lev vs Polish Zloty PLN

You can see also inverted conversion rate: Polish Zloty to Bulgarian Lev.

Historical BGN to PLN Chart

Historical exchange rates

The table shows BGN to PLN historical exchange rates within 30 days.

Date BGN vs PLN
06.02.2025 1 BGN = 2.1362 PLN
05.02.2025 1 BGN = 2.1466 PLN
04.02.2025 1 BGN = 2.1974 PLN
01.02.2025 1 BGN = 2.1582 PLN
31.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.147 PLN
30.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1549 PLN
29.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1717 PLN
28.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1529 PLN
25.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1344 PLN
24.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1633 PLN
23.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1524 PLN
22.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1679 PLN
21.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1757 PLN
18.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1776 PLN
17.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.182 PLN
16.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1649 PLN
15.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1721 PLN
14.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.2077 PLN
11.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1821 PLN
10.01.2025 1 BGN = 2.1838 PLN

Central Banks

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United States Dollar 1 USD = 0.9595 EUR
British Pound Sterling 1 GBP = 1.2036 EUR
Swiss Franc 1 CHF = 1.0644 EUR
Japanese Yen 1 JPY = 0.0063 EUR